.. _webslides: WebSlides ========= .. Copyright (C) ALbert Mietus, 2018 .. post:: 2018/4/27 :category: WebSlides `Sphinx `_ and `reStructuredText (RST) `_ are great tools to build *and maintain* documentation. However, the ability for “slide decks” is limited. In practice, most of my presentation are made by `PowerPoint` or `Keynote` -- and so, are hard to maintain. This has to be changed... Out of the box, there are several options, both with and without Sphinx. `Hieroglyph `_ by example, adds a *builder* to Sphinx, for HTML-based presentation. Whereas `reveal.js `_ uses (simplified) html with a javascript-library which is used. Html isn’t the simplest way to author (& maintain) slides; there are many attempts to generate revealjs from RST, MD (etc). And revealjs has even a option to use markdown. In this chapter, several articles (or blogs: :ref:`category-webslides`) give an overview on existing options. And describe my search to combination to a useful combination. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: reveal+md html-template md-content design-options remote-md