Posts tagged DesignStudy

Generics: Parameters, Wrappers and template-specialisation

Castle supports Generics (a bit like Templates in C++) but with a twist. For example, in (the improved version of) “The Sieve (basic variant)” we use the SlowStart (base)protocol as a Generic protocol.

It becomes generic as we pass an Argument to the base class. Only that makes SlowStart a generic!
It is not visual in the definition.

As this differs from other languages, it gives some questions. We will explain how to use it. And make some (high-level) hints on the implementation.

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QuickNote: typedParameters in Event?

The RPy compiler backend needs to ‘fill-in’ some data structures, like CC_B_Protocol – there is one for every protocol. It contains the name of the protocol, its kind (like Event, as we assume here), and a list of events. That event list contains the (event) name, it’s sequence-number (see: Modelling the Event Index), and a backlink to the protocol.

The question is: Should the Event (dataclass) contain the typedParameters?

This question affects both the runtime (for this backend) –the RPython implementation of CC.buildin.CC_B_P_EventID– and the (jinja templating) to generate the code to fill those data-structures.

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