The Sieve (basic variant)

To show some features of CCastle, I use ‘the Sieve’, short for the Sieve of Eratosthenes. An old, well-known, algorithm to find prime numbers; with implicit concurrency.

With an almost trivial implementation, many “CC concepts” can be shown; in only a handful of lines….

Several variants of ‘the Sieve’ will be presented to introduce various concepts. This is the most basic one. As we will see, it does contain a Heisenbug, which will only be solved in another variant.
Aside from demonstrating some CCastle concepts, ‘the Sieve’ (in all its variants) is used also to demo the compiler (see Workshop Tools).

The design

We only need three simple components as shown below, and a main component (not shown). We also use two protocols, which are given below.


    Max |
+-------*---\    /-----------\    /-----------\    /-----------\    /-----------\    /-----------+
| Generator |    | Sieve(2)  |    | Sieve(3)  |    | Sieve(5)  |    :           |    | Finder    |
|           *--->*           *--->*           *--->*           *--->*           *--->*           |
| cBLU      |    | cGRE      |    | cGRE      |    | cGRE      |    | cGRE      |    | cPNK      |
+-----------/    \-----------/    \-----------/    \-----------/    \-----------/    \---------*-+
0 The shown (horizontal) connections all use the SimpleSieve protocol                          V Primes
0 The Generator has an (in‒) port for the StartSieve protocol
0 The Finder has an optional (out‒) port for SimpleSieve protocol


The elements of the sieve

CCastle uses “components” [1] as the main decomposition. Each kind of component can be instantiated multiple times; sometimes called an element, or also just a component. This is very alike the difference between “classes” and “objects” in OO [2].

Let’s introduce those components.


This component generates just numbers, which will be tested for prime (see below). As primes are always integers bigger than one; the output is the stream stream of numbers: 2,3,4, …

Sieve (on prime)

We use a (growing) chain of sieve elements. Each one is the same; except for the sieving constant –an already found prime. That number is set when instantiating the element.

Each Sieve tries to divide each incoming number by its own, sieve-constant. When the modulo isn’t zero, we call it a coprime (relative to the already tested primes) and send it downstream. When it can be divided, the number is not prime and ignored.


Each number that comes out of the chain of sieves is a prime (that is the algorithm; see Wikipedia for details). It is collected by the finder. For each found prime, an extra sieve (element) is created and added to the chain. This kind of shifts the finder to the right (aka downstream)

In some implementations that is the responsibility of the finder (therefore sometimes called “head”). In a variant, the ‘main’ component is carrying that load.


CCastle uses “protocols” to communicate between components. There are several kinds of protocols; we use the ‘event’ kind here. Two ports can be connected when both use the same protocol.

Notice, that a protocol is not the same as an API in most languages; it is a fundamental concept of the Concurrent//Connected Components (ToDo) concept of CCastle. And enforced the strict separation between “outside” and “inside” of a component. No implementation detail of a component can call the interface of another component – it has to be routed by ports and protocols.


With the StartSieve protocol, the sieving (so generating numbers) is started. The passed parameter is the maximum number to check for “primeness”, and so forces a halt. In this (dumb) demo, there is no direct way to specify the number of primes to find.

There is however an option to change that maximum number, with the newMax(int:max) event.
In this demo, that event has no effect when the (old) max is already reached – it is trivial to improve, but that is outside the scope of this demo.


In this variant, we use an event-based protocol, that just holds one event (read: a message), that carries the integer to be tried.

The input(int:try) event gives input to the (next) sieve, carrying the number to try.


As we will see in A Heisenbug in the Sieve, this design has a flaw. Depending on The Machinery (ToDo), the algorithm may work, or terminate early. To manage the (variability in) concurrent communication, the protocol(s) have to be enriched.
As it does work with the simple (DirectCall) machinery, and as it is just a “Hello World” demo, we prefer this imperfect version for the demo, as a kind of reference.


Do not use this example in real (generic, production) code.

See the variant(s) for an improved version. For example: SlowStart Sieve (ToDo) details.)

The Code

Below, we show all Castle-code for the components. With some comments to explain some typical castle concepts.
Some parts (like import-lines) are not shown. See the code examples for full examples.

Moat (interfaces)

“Moat files” are like the interfaces, or contracts, to the components. The above-shown protocols are also part of those Moat files – but as they are already shown, we will not repeat them.

component Generator : Component {
  port StartSieve<in>:controll;
  port SimpleSieve<out>:outlet;

Castle (implementation)

The “Castle files” contain the implementation of all components.

implement Generator {
  int maxValue;

  .maxValue = -1;

StartSieve.newMax(max) on .controll
  .maxValue := max;

StartSieve.runTo(max) on .controll
  int i;

  .maxValue := max;
  while (i < .maxValue) {
    i +=1;

} //@end Generator


Components have to be created (statically or dynamically) into “elements”. This is typically done by a component that ‘holds’ the “sub-components” – look for the sub [3] keyword. This applies to all levels.

At the very top, there is one element –usually called “main” – that holds the major elements. In this example, that are the Generator, the Finder and the Sieves themself.

Note that “main” isn’t special. Unlike in C/C++ there is no need for a (single) main. The name main is more of a convention (like in Python).
Any component with a powerOn() method will act as (a) main component.

implement Main {
  sub generator;
  sub finder;
  alias lastSieve;         // The list of Sieve's grow dynamically!; keep track of the last one



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