Posts in QuickNote

QuickNote: typedParameters in Event?

The RPy compiler backend needs to ‘fill-in’ some data structures, like CC_B_Protocol – there is one for every protocol. It contains the name of the protocol, its kind (like Event, as we assume here), and a list of events. That event list contains the (event) name, it’s sequence-number (see: Modelling the Event Index), and a backlink to the protocol.

The question is: Should the Event (dataclass) contain the typedParameters?

This question affects both the runtime (for this backend) –the RPython implementation of CC.buildin.CC_B_P_EventID– and the (jinja templating) to generate the code to fill those data-structures.

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QuickNote: Jinja Templating for rPY

With a working RPython implementation of The Sieve (basic variant), it’s time to find the patterns to automate: generating RPython code from Castle-Code.

Like in QuickNote: Jinja Events (templating), part of the CC2Cpy: CCastle to C compiler in Python backend, we focus on the essential Jinja templates.

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QuickNote: The Sieve in RPython

Before implementing an RPython backend, a short study of RPython is made, including implementing The Sieve (basic variant) in RPython. It’s like a hand-compiled RPython variant, following the approach as described in the Jinja rendering study), for the CC2CPy backend.

Writing RPython isn’t too complicated for someone with a C-background. But making the code pass the RPython compiler can be tricky, however. Both, as just added statements can interfere with existing code – when that isn’t “static enough”, new code can trigger compile errors in old, tested code! And, because the RPython compiler isn’t that great in giving helpful info.
It feels like old-style debugging: try-and-error, remove-and-enable-lines, one-at-a-time until one understands and it becomes easy to fix…

This blog is both to share some RPython experience and to study the patterns that are needed to generate RPython code to implement the Castle-Compiler.

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