QuickNote: Jinja Events (templating)

As we have seen in the recent Workshop blog: QuickNotes a lot of code (to send/handle events) is always the same, but for some details. A template engine, like Jinja, can help in that.

Let’s study how those templates can help us.

See also

Events, Eventshandlers & code

A (Castle) event is always part of a (Castle) protocol. Only the combination of the names of both the Protocol and the Event leads to a uniquely generated name. (for C/rPy/… code). To be used in an EventHandler (within a component, for a port).

Events in Protocols

Besides –and especially for C–, we need a functiontype (aka prototype) and a handler/dispatch-table index (as a constant).

protocol StartSieve : Protocol {
typedef void (*CC_E_StartSieve_runTo_FT)(CC_selfType, CC_ComponentType, int);
#define CC_P_StartSieve_runTo      42 // demo-no
// The index-number is calculates by (e.g.) the number of *inherit* events plus literal index of protocol


We also need the event handler implementation, which is component and port specific. Here we focus only of the name of both the Castle and the generated (C-) function.

implement Generator {
StartSieve.runTo(max) on self.controll
CC_E_Generator__StartSieve_runTo__controll(CC_C_Generator* self, CC_OutPortType sender, int max)
{ ... }

Jinja macros

Below, we use a 3-step approach:

  1. Combine the protocol and event into an protocol_event; that is the base to

  2. generatedboth the event_FT (function-proto-type) and the event_no index (number constante). And we use it to

  3. generate the name of the event_handler (C-) implementation

{%macro protocol_event(protocol, event) -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{%macro event_FT(protocolEvent) -%}  CC_E_{{protocolEvent}}_FT       {%- endmacro %}
{%macro event_no(protocolEvent) -%}  CC_P_{{protocolEvent}}          {%- endmacro %}
{%macro event_handler(compName, protocolEvent, portName)
{%- endmacro %}


The code above is not fully designed. We have to chain the part to make it work. Now the are freewheeling, independer, but readable piece.

We use macro_names and marcoNames. The former is a (jinga) function, the latter act as an argument. When the are otherwise the same, the results of the function call is stored in the variable, and passed into the next marco as parameter.
But we assume you understand that, and are able to add the plumbing (or combine/inline them – convenient, but less readable!

Generating C-Code

Here we use the above marco’s (without plumbing) to generate parts of the code. Other pieces are (for now) hardcoded. That will change later.





// Input jinja-marco’s:
/// (Aside of the ones given above)
///  All values are valid C-code snippets
////  my_comp:       “self”
////  path2port:     “generator->control”
///   args:          <list of arguments>

CC_E_Main__powerOn__power(CC_Main* self,
                          CC_OutPortType sender,
                          int max)
struct CC_B_OutPort          outport         = {{my_comp}}->{{path2port}};
CC_ComponentType             receiver        = outport.connection;
CC_B_eDispatchTable          handlers        = outport.handlers;
{{event_FT(protocolEvent)}}  signal          = ({{event_FT(protocolEvent)}})handlers[{{event_no(protocolEvent)}}];

signal(receiver, (CC_selfType)self, {{args}}); // args: max



StartSieve.runTo(max) on self.controll // in Generator


// Input jinja-marco’s:
/// (Aside of the ones given above)
///  All values are valid C-code snippets
///   typedParms:    <list of parameters with types>
{{eventHandler}}(CC_C_{{compName}}* self, CC_OutPortType sender, {{typedParms}})


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