Keep those cores busy!

I always claim that most computers will have 1024 or more cores before my retirement. And that most embedded systems will have even more, a decade later. However, it’s not easy to write technical software for those “massive-parallel embedded computers”, not with the current languages – simple because a developer has to put in too many details. Accordingly, the “best, ever” programming language should facilitate and support “natural concurrency”.

In Castle, you can easily write code that can run efficiently on thousands of cores.

Why do we get more and more cores?

Moore observed already in 1965 that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 2 years. That made memory cheaper and computers faster. For years we have seen that: CPUs have grown from 4-bit to 8, 16, 32, and now 64-bit; and the ‘clock-frequently’ has risen into the giga-hertz. This comes (almost) for free when the ‘gate-size’ dropped – roughly, a ‘gate’ is the smallest “pixel” when a chip is manufactured. By shrinking the gates one can put more transistors on a chip and at the same time those chips become faster and use less power –this comes automatically; as you may remember from your (advanced) physics lessons.

But there are limits: transistors can’t switch much faster than a few billion times a second. When we crossed that border, just making gates smaller didn’t increase the CPU’s speed. But there are other tricks; like huge caches very close to (or ‘in’) the CPU. Again it made computers faster, without much work for the SW developer. Another limit is the number of transistors you can utilize in a CPU (or the cache). One can double the number of transistors almost without limit, but does it again double your CPU-speed? No, not anymore, that threshold is passed a few years back.

A new trick was needed: put more CPUs onto one chip. Essentially that is what Multi-Core does: every core is fundamentally an independent CPU - but as we used that word already, we use ‘core’ for those copies. The amount of work a chip can do with two cores doubles — at least potentially. Using Moore’s low, the number of cores will double be every 18-24 months; or 30 times more in a decade. Currently, many (mobile phone) SoCs already have more than 10 cores — when counting both GPUs & CPUs. That is 300 in 10 years, and 9-thousand in 20 years!

Programming many cores

Although the promise of Multi-Core is an unlimited expansion of speed, it requires us to adapt our programming abilities. Transitional “sequential” programs take for granted that the CPU can do only one thing at a time; at many levels. With Multi-Core this fundamentally changed. There is no speed up when we don’t use all cores. This is not much of an issue for a low number of cores; there are plenty of other/background tasks. Even ‘single threaded’ code will run faster when “your core” isn’t interrupted; when those auxiliary processes can run in parallel on another core.

When the number of cores rises this does not scale; more and more cores become idle. Now, your code has to use both concurrency and parallelism. But also handle Critical-Sections, Semaphores (and friends) to synchronise tasks.


Threads have become popular to accomplish parallelism but have drawbacks too. They originated (long, long back) in “real-time & embedded” programming; – those systems didn’t have an OS nor processes and used a concept that resembles threads. Other computers (mostly Unix/Posix) used “processes” to run many tasks –Windows/Dos wasn’t relevant; it was (mostly) single-user. Mid 199x threads become available as “real-time extensions”; initially within a single process — and so running on a single core. Al this was long before Multi-Core hardware was accessible, and studies started on how to combine threads & processes — should the kernel handle that or not, and how to avoid overhead. This all changed with Multi-Core; need threads that can run in parallel on multiple cores.

Still, it is not trivial to programming with (raw) threads.


A lot of new bugs popped up when developers started to use threads. One had to learn about concurrency, parallelism, and their difference. And that two threads can be intertwined in not foreseen ways; multiple threads can access the same variable. A single line became suddenly not atomic anymore – even a single assignment is not.
We mastered that today, at least mostly. There are still many quizzes about that, and many do not pass the tricky ones. More bothersome is that no one knows how to compose tests to verify the absents of this kind of Heisenbugs


Threads have more handicaps: it is hard to gain the speed up aiming for. Partly because threads themself have a lot of overhead (especially to start/stop them). But it is also hard to “get” the right number of threads. Many opinions on this exist – like one thread per core [5] – but hardly (or non) theory on this.

A bigger factor is indirect overhead; especially in CPU-bound (see below) systems. Then, the outcome of a calculation in one thread is routinely needed for an algorithm in another thread – if not, why use threads? That involves sharing data [6]


When we get more and more cores, we need more and more concurrent task to get the speed up we like. With (raw) threads this becomes more and more an issue. More threads may imply more bugs; notably hard to find Heisenbugs. More threads make is harder to limit the overhead.

To summaries: Threads do no scale well; there is a limit to the number of threads we can manage as a software-developers. So, a new “trick” is needed.

IO vs CPU Bound

Another –often overlooked, but important– aspect is ‘how & why’ threads are used. Many applications interact with a user and/or have lots of other IO. Input & output is slow compared with (the GigaHertz of) the CPU itself. The result is that “the computer” has to wait on the user, on the network or disk [7]; this is called IO-bound
With threads, it’s easy to speed up IO-bound systems. Then (only) a single thread is waiting; all other threads can continue. This works even on a single-core. This IO-bound aspect was (one of) the primary ambitions when introducing “real-time” threads. With Multi-Core this scales quite well; peculiarly when most threads do about the same. As in a web server for instance.

Technical, embedded applications generally differ. They are mostly CPU-bound; as there is nothing to be waiting on. In the extreme case, the processor is constantly busy, say doing calculations.
Then, just adding threads will not lead to speed up; as the processor is busy anyhow; more processor power is needed! Along with a gentle distribution of the work gently over the available cores. Ideally, all cores should do an even part of that calculation.

Using threads with CPU-bound systems is much harder. It is complicated to split the work, it’s backbreaking to allot the tasks over the cores equally, and troublesome to minimize the overhead. But easy to introduce flaw …
The center of attraction in this blog(s) is those knotty, “mostly CPU-bound”, technical, modern-embedded systems, as you already expected.


Raw threads, as in pthreads, are not the only option; there are contemporary alternatives. For the most part, they use threads to implement a more abstract interface; to unburden developers for those technicalities.

We introduce a few but leave the details to the next blog: the study on Concurrent Computing Concepts.


Starting & stopping a thread is relatively costly; this makes them less suited for short-running tasks –then the relative overhard is big. The Thread-Pool design pattern tackles this by creating (long-running) “worker threads” and a “task queue(s)”. Running many (small) tasks in the same thread reduces the overhead. Also, the task will start (and end) a bit earlier; as threads are pre-created


I have given a “Design Workshop” on the “ThreadPoolExecutor”, in another series, Have a look when you like to learn more about this pattern.

Some languages support this concept naturally; in others, it is more like an add-on option on threads. Besides depending on the language implementation (compiler and runtime libraries), it may or may not have the speeding-up benefit when using many cores. For example, the python “ThreadPoolExecutor” is a likable, sound example; but as (C)Python can’t run multiple threads simultaneously, you will not gain a speed up on CPU-bound systems. Still, we can use it as inspiration.

The Thread-Pool pattern gives us a simple alternative to (raw) threads; especially when the thread-part is buried and not visible to the developer. Then the programmer can focus on defining small (concurrent) tasks and the “computer” can add details such as how many threads, on which core(s), and manage them.

GCD (LibDispatch)

Grand Central Dispatch, or GCD, is a technology invented by Apple add developed as open-source, that takes the idea of Thread-Pools a step further. Therefore they added an extension to the C-language too: “blocks” – A kind of anonymously (unnamed), inline, nested functions, that act as a closure. It sounds a bit complicated, but most developers find it easy to use [8].

A “block” is like a function, that can be dispatched (scheduled) for independent execution. Typical a block is small –so we have lots of capability for simultaneous execution– without introducing much overhead [9].

See also

  • The GCD “scheduler” is available as libdispatch.

  • The blocks extension is available for LLVM. Apparently, GCC is not supporting it (anymore).

GCD also supports Objective-C, C++, and Swift. Then, the language semantics differ a bit (making it easier to use); but the concept is the same: Store the “environment” (see: closure) of the lexical scope of the nested function-block in a task-object, and put them on (FIFO) queue. And have some long-running (raw, invisible) threads processing those task-objects. As those tasks are isolated, running them is easy.
The developer is hidden from the threads – (s)he is not even aware of them! Or actually, there is just this general understanding the “raw threads” are used in the background, but that is not required. Any “scheduler” will do!

Events (interrupts)

Events are a completely contrasting approach, avoiding threads at all. They are also known as interrupts for low-level close-to-hardware developers. Events are primarily introduced for “Windowing programming [10]. Up to then, a program stared at main(), jumping to subroutines in the order the programmers has written them. For GUIs (or Windowing-application, as we called them), that was inconvenient – the user should be in control. When “pressing a button (or “Widget”) the system generated an “event”.
The developers had to write “event-handlers” –functions, but with a predefined signature– and register each, passing the kind of event(s) they should active them. This was new, completely different (and strange, back then). A function got names as OnButton_XXX_Press(event), and where called “automagically”.

You can imagen the implementation now: a queue and an event-loop. But this concept shows something else too, as a side-effect: (virtual) concurrent programming.

Event- (handlers) are small “task alike” independent routines, that become active when needed: when some input-data becomes available. All those “tasks” are atomic (short living) and where the controll-flow is not specified. It appears as if all those small, little task can run concurrent – as the user can quickly trigger many event “at once”. In modern systems the results of the events emerge even “asynchronous” – then we often call it “reactive”.
This really happens for “hardware interrupts”. Those interrupts truly are asynchronous of the “main code”. And one has to handle them immediacy (or the input is gone, and a result will be wrong!). An “interrupt-handler” is very alike an event-loop-handler; albeit at another scale.

Both variants shows in there function-names how many developers would like to deal with asynchronous, concurrent “tasks”: On EventType Run {Code}.

Castle activates all cores

An “ideal language” should make it easy to distribute the load over many processors. That should come automatically; without the developer has to put a load of effort in. That is also one of the aspect Concurrent//Connected Components (ToDo) is enabling –and as Castle supports Concurrent//Connected Components (ToDo) (and is the best language, ever – so quite close to “ideal”)– the language should be designed to enable this.

UseCase: In Castle is easy to use thousands of cores U_ManyCore ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg

A “CC Castle” program can run on many cores, without the developer needs to describe “manually” how to do that.

At the same time it should run efficiently. The goals is not to keep all cores busy, but to use (all) cores to gain maximal speed up.

Distributing tasks over multiple cores (or even distributed computers) [4] is not new. In Concurrent Computing Concepts we describe some (common, theoretical) concepts, especially the The Actor Model. What we like to use for CCastle.

Resolution: Castle is agnostic to the implementation details of concurrency RC_Agnostic_Concurrency ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: U_ManyCore

There are many ways how one can use and implement concurrency. That however should be seen as a detail; the user (Castle-programmer) should not be aware, not limited by it! This implies, that parallelism is hidden. One can write code that can be executed on a “distributed system”, as well as on “multi-core system”, or a “single-core”.

It should even be possible to write code that run in kernel-mode, or on another “threadless” system.



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